HOME has been the grateful recipient of some wonderful youth
initiated and coordinated donation efforts lately! We are so thankful for such
conscientious and considerate youth who are reaching out to their peers in the
Salem community. You really are making a difference!
The second annual Youth Junk to Fashion Funk fashion show
took place on April 22nd 2012. This spectacular fundraiser began
last year on the initiative of three young women who were touched by the
mission of HOME and wanted to combine their passions with their service project
for Blanchet High School. Lauren Eliason, Daniell Tea-Pelley and Sarah Darst
began the project as juniors and had such success that they generously decided
to organize another fashion show this year. Just as last year, the fashion show
was a great and fun event!
Using a room in the Willamette Heritage Center at the Mill, student
volunteers successfully created a true fashion show environment including a
runway, hoppin’ music, great decorations and delicious snacks. Over 50 students from area high schools
volunteered as models. In the first act, models wore clothing donated for the
show which was recently delivered to the clothing closets at HOME. In act two,
the teen models donned clothing designed by student fashion designers from
Oregon State University and the Art Institute of Portland.
Last week, Lauren, Daniell and Sarah dropped off the fruits
of their labor: bag after bag of donated clothing and checks totaling more than
$3,600!! They also took the opportunity to say good-bye, for now, to HOME. All
three will be attending college in the fall and undoubtedly have bright futures
ahead of them.
We are so impressed and thankful for Youth Junk 2 Fashion
Funk and everyone who made it possible.
Here is a picture of Sarah, Lauren, Daniell and Peggy taken
during the donation drop-off last week!
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