Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Community 101

HOME recently received three Community 101 grants! Community 101 is a program run through many local area high schools which enables students at these high schools to “learn about our [their] community through volunteering and grant making.” With funds provided by the PGE Foundation and local businesses, high school students invite local non-profit organizations to apply for grants ranging from $500- $2,000. During this process the students learn practical skills in grant management, grant selection and participate in the interview process for applicants.

HOME was invited to submit Community 101 grants for three high schools and was awarded grants for all three! McKay High School awarded the Runaway and Homeless Youth program $1,500 to reduce barriers to employment by providing identification documents and employment certifications. Robert Ferrell School awarded $200 to HOME to be used toward incentives in the summer youth work-experience project. Youth will earn gift certificates to Subway and Jamba Juice by job shadowing and helping at local area businesses. McNary High School awarded HOME $1,000 with which youth at HOME will purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from the Wednesday Farmers market in downtown Salem. The fruits and vegetables will be served during dinner and snack time at HOME.  

 McNary students on the Community 101 grant selection committee.

We are so excited to start with these projects with the help from the students involved in Community 101 at McKay, McNary and Robert Ferrell. Yet another example of some of the outstanding youth in the Salem community!

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