Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Fun!

 We have been having a great summer here at HOME! Here are some pictures of our highlights!

Ami and Dan getting ready to cook for the BBQ in Wallace Park.
Bowling at Towne and Country in Keizer!
Nerf gun war at the park!

Our piano from the Play Me, I'm Yours project was located in front of the Capitol building. Youth painted and decorated the piano and it was open for all of the public to enjoy.

Water balloon fight!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Play Me, I'm Yours - It really works!

Last Thursday I got to experience first-hand the great impact Play Me, I’m Yours has on our community! After the great fun the youth at HOME had while painting and decorating the piano, we decided to be the first visitors and musicians to its installation site near the capitol fountain. With nine youth and two staff including myself, we made our way down to the Capitol on one of the hottest afternoons of the year.  After finding their decorations and hand-prints and giving their piano skills a whirl, many of the teens’ eyes quickly fell onto the cool fountain in the distance. Before we knew it, everyone was cooling off, fully-clothed, in the fountains in front of the Capitol! After playing in and enjoying the water and sun we slowly made our way back to HOME. One 11-year old boy turned to me on the walk back and said with a huge smile on his face: “This was the most epic day at the drop-in ever!” All I could think about was how effective Play Me, I’m Yours had been for our organization. Without our piano, the trip to the Capitol might not have happened and although our journey involved more running through water with our clothes on than actual music making, it was a perfect example of how Play Me, I’m Yours enables people to “engage with and take ownership of their urban environment.”

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Play Me, I'm Yours

What have the youth been up to at HOME for the last week? Painting a piano of course! As part of the Play Me, I'm Yours street piano project, HOME was given a piano to paint and personalize. This project was created by British artist Luke Jerram in 2008 and was designed in order to encourage citizens to "engage with, activate and take ownership of their urban environment."  (You can find more information here: )

Salem was chosen as one of the participating cities this year and HOME Youth and Resource Center was one of 10 non-profit organization in the Salem area selected to receive and decorate a piano. We had so much fun with this project! Below are some pictures of the piano before, during and after the painting. For the best view, head over to the Capitol Mall by the fountain: our piano will be there for the next two weeks just waiting to be played and appreciated!